
When You Can't Find it on TPT...

Have you ever searched Teachers Pay Teachers for something so specific and yet you find NOTHING? It doesn't happen often, but I have had this happen twice in my teaching career.  In fact, it's how I started selling on TPT- my first product was something that I couldn't find ANYWHERE so I decided to make it for myself and post it for others to use.

The second time I couldn't find something was when I was searching for a Blog Consent form.  As a new blogger, I knew that I needed to be able to post about my students and use pictures of them in my classroom with the work that we're doing.  Yet, when I was searching the internet for permission slips to send home- there was NOTHING.  So, true to form, I've made one!  For a limited time, you can click the picture to get the consent form for FREE!

Don't forget to leave feedback!

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