
What Are You Thankful For?

I feel like I've been bitten by the blog bug!! [Finally, right?]  I couldn't wait to share! I was looking for a thanksgiving craft on Pinterest- one that didn't take too much prep, too much time, and was still super cute. AND I found one!! I took what I found and created a product to make it that much simpler for my young learners.

I stumbled across this here. And then I decided that I had to make it this year with my kiddos!!

I made two different templates: The thicker strips would be easier for your younger students whereas the thinner strips would be just fine for second grade and up.  After tracing the beginning of the sentence and filling in the blanks its time to cut!

Then you'll need to arrange the strips and staple them together at the top- you could also use glue if you leave drying time. [[I had to use several staples but you'll hide most of them with your leaf and vine]]

Once you staple them, then you'll need to gather the other ends and staple.  Finish up with the leaf and spiraling a piece for the vine.

You can find my templates for FREE here!

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