
Red, White, and Blue with a side of cookies, too!

What a week it's been and it's only Wednesday (of a four day work week!!)! Yesterday, while most of the country was voting on our next president, our class was busy voting too!  We had a blast voting for our favorite type of cookie. I used three products that I found on TPT and one of them was FREE!

My students started their voting process on Monday by completing a voter's registration card- which I just couldn't help laminating after school to make it a little more enjoyable for them to come back to.

We also talked about vocabulary words associated with the election- we even talked about the candidates whom they had heard about at home.  On election day, we talked about how important it was to vote when you get old enough and did a little math to find out that my students won't be eligible to vote until 2032!! (That definitely made me feel old!)

Then it was FINALLY time to vote! I used this pack for the super cute (FREE) voting booth and had my students bring their IDs to vote :)

Of course they had to get the best part of voting: the famous 'I Voted' sticker

Once voting was over, we tallied up the votes and graphed them too!! [For the ballots, registration cards and much more, go here]]

What did you do for election day?


  1. This was such a cute idea! Sara was very proud of her sticker and registration card! On the way home, she asked me what that day was about and I was a little confused. She said, "you know, there was something very important that you did today." It was so cute, she couldn't remember the word election.

    1. I am so glad that she enjoyed the day! I wanted them to have fun and 'take home' the idea that it is so important to vote :)
