
My Favorite Things Friday!

So…. I have had this blog post typed up and ready to post on my laptop for three months!! Instead of retyping it, here it is in all it’s original glory:

I can't believe that its been two months since my last post! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with lots of family time- I know that my break was too short but great all the same.  With the new year in full swing, I thought I'd start a new series: FAVORITE THINGS FRIDAY!  Each week, I will do a post about one of my favorite things! Some may be all time favorite things and some may be just a favorite from the week I've had. 

So this week has been one of the longest 4 day weeks of the year! My week consisted of: a workday due to ice, a two hour delay, a math training, and a SIOP training. So this week my favorite thing was reconnecting.  I come from a relatively small town. (If you call a town with seven elementary schools small!) But most everyone knows everyone, and my small town is surrounded by small towns- so there’s a saying in Eastern North Carolina that if you see someone you know you must be east of 95. Well that statement held true this week when I went to a SIOP training and was sitting there staring at my high school Spanish teacher. SMALL WORLD, Y’ALL!

The whole morning I was thinking about how I’d describe myself if she didn't remember me- my boyfriend at the time was in the same class and got in trouble pretty much on purpose, I worked at Kevin’s all through high school, I was president of our FCCLA chapter my senior year, etc, etc.  But of course when we got to speak during an activity she remembered my instantly- but not by any of those things I mentioned above. Nope, she remembered that I was reading Lovely Bones one day in her class. One day, almost 11 years ago, I was reading a book in Spanish 2 and that teacher still remembers me. 

To me- this just spoke volumes about her!! I always loved her as a teacher and remember so many lessons that she taught- one even about the importance of sunscreen vs tanning lotions.  I truly hope that I can always remember my students and vice versa!

Me and Mrs. Carrie Dixon
P.S.  I just found out that she is her school's Teacher of the Year!!! Volumes y'all, volumes!